7 Best Home Remedies for Vertigo Symptoms

Vertigo is the experience of sudden dizziness, similar to a spinning sensation. The condition occurs when the brain perceives the body as being off-balanced when it isn't. Those who experience vertigo regularly understands its difficulties. The symptoms may emerge and intensify quickly, making the individual feel uncomfortable.

Vertigo is disruptive and frightening. In addition to the spinning and dizzy sensations, vertigo may lead to nausea, headaches, or double vision. You may also experience reduced coordination, abnormal eye movements, and arm or leg weakness. Fortunately, there are medications and treatment plans for vertigo. In fact, a part of concussion management is ensuring that vertigo symptoms do not worsen.

Additionally, you may reduce the impact and discomfort of vertigo through several natural treatments. Here are seven of the best home remedies for vertigo symptoms:

Home Remedy #1: Epley Maneuver for Vertigo

The Epley manuever is a good home remedy for vertigo.

The Epley maneuver is one of the most common ways to manage vertigo symptoms. Studies show that the Epley maneuver can have up to a success rate of 50% among patients experiencing vertigo. This technique is best performed before bed each night, which will lessen vertigo symptoms for at least 24 hours.

Start by sitting on the edge of the bed, turning your head 45 degrees to the left. Lay down quickly, face up, with your head still turned 45 degrees to the left. It can help to place a pillow on the bed behind you so your shoulders land comfortably when you lay down. Then, rest and maintain this position for 30 seconds.

Afterwards, turn your head 90 degrees to the right so that you now look in the opposite direction. Hold this position for another 30 seconds. Next, turn your body on its right side, meaning you're now lying sideways with your face pressed into the bed. Hold for 30 seconds. Sit up slowly and remain resting for a few minutes.

The Epley maneuver is recommended for anyone who experiences vertigo that starts on their left side. If vertigo begins on the right side for you, follow these instructions in the reverse order.

Home Remedy #2: Ginkgo Biloba for Vertigo

Ginkgo biloba is one of the best home remedies for vertigo.

Ginkgo biloba, also known as maidenhair, is a tree native to China. It has an impressive history that spans thousands of years. Ginkgo biloba is sometimes called a living fossil since it's the only surviving member of an ancient order of plants.

Ginkgo supplements are associated with numerous health benefits, most dealing with blood circulation and brain function. Ginkgo biloba extracts are a standard method for resolving vertigo symptoms in Chinese herbal medicine. It works by managing the blood flow to the brain, which improves balance and reduces dizziness.

Home Remedy #3: Ginger Tea for Vertigo

Ginger tea is a good home remedy for vertigo.

For many individuals, ginger root is an excellent treatment for vertigo. Some even find it more effective than the Epley maneuver. While you can consume ginger in various ways, ginger tea is one of the most common home remedies. You can steep ginger root in boiling water and drank as is. Adding a bit of honey can improve the taste if it is too bitter. Drinking ginger tea twice per day can improve vertigo symptoms, reduce dizziness, and mitigate nausea.

Home Remedy #4: Almonds for Vertigo

Almonds are excellent remedies for vertigo.

Almonds are naturally rich sources of vitamins A, B, and E. These are good vitamins to consume for maintaining healthy brain activity and blood circulation. Eating a handful of almonds daily can help with vertigo symptoms, especially when coupled with drinking ginger tea.

Home Remedy #5: Essential Oils for Vertigo

Essential oils are helpful home remedies for vertigo.

There are many different essential oils for vertigo available. Some essential oils can be applied topically or inhaled to reduce vertigo symptoms. The best essential oils include peppermint, lavender, ginger, and lemon. These ingredients can reduce nausea, headaches, or dizziness. You'll need to experiment whether a topical treatment or inhaling through a diffuser works best for you.

Home Remedy #6: Acupressure for Vertigo

Acupressure is a good vertigo treatment.

Acupressure works similarly to acupuncture except it doesn't involve needles. Acupressure applies similar concepts in its goal to promote relaxation and wellness. This routine can manage vertigo by stimulating pressure points throughout the body, which will improve blood flow. A common method for vertigo treatment is the P6 acupressure method. This technique locates a pressure point in the wrist and inner forearm.

Home Remedy #7: Drinking Water for Vertigo

Drink lots of water to treat vertigo symptoms.

We can all be guilty of not drinking enough water throughout the day. However, it is especially important to stay hydrated if you're prone to vertigo. Even mild dehydration can trigger conditions, so get in the habit of carrying a water bottle around with you!

Staying hydrated minimizes balance issues and dizziness. Remember that the body needs 8 to 12 cups of water per day. Develop a routine where you drink water first thing in the morning and throughout the day. As the habit develops, your body will respond to signs of dehydration more easily, signifying when it needs water.

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