7 Different Types of Foot Pain and Their Symptoms
Whether you're taking a leisurely walk or enjoying a casual jog, your feet take you everywhere you need to go. Even if you drive, you need your feet to pedal the brakes. Since you use them so much, it is common to experience foot pain symptoms from time to time. Foot pain makes daily activities unbearable, limiting your movements and causing discomfort throughout the day.
Your feet bear your body weight when you sit, so the pain makes resting uncomfortable. Sometimes, foot pain comes from injuries to your toes or health conditions like diabetes and gout. Improper footwear and bad posture can also intensify the pain. Poor-fitting shoes irritate the joints and cause painful swelling of the foot tissues.
If you experience foot pain, consult with a chiropractor for diagnosis and treatment. It will also help if you learn more about the foot pain symptoms and causes. Here are the seven different types of foot pain, their symptoms, and common causes:
Type #1: Athlete’s Foot Pain

Do you frequently walk barefoot in damp areas? If so, you stand the risk of exposure to a fungal infection. Athlete's foot is a foot condition that spreads between your toes, causing pain and itchiness. This type of foot pain is common among people who swim, walk barefoot in the gym or other damp areas. Wearing wet shoes also causes the fungi to spread quickly to other parts of your body.
Beyond itchiness, look out for other symptoms such as blisters, cracking, and skin peeling in the heels and toes. To treat athlete's foot, always keep your feet dry and clean. Apply antifungal powder or cream to the infected areas after taking a bath. If the fungus keeps spreading after treatment, consult medical help immediately.
Type #2: Bunion Pain

A bunion is a painful swelling that forms at the joints of the big toe. Bunions develop from wearing poor footwear over extended periods. The bunion puts pressure on the big toe and causes it to lean towards other smaller toes. Women are more likely to have bunions because of female shoe designs that squeeze the toes together. Some people also inherit this condition from their parents.
Bunions make walking difficult because the swelling causes the joints on the toe to protrude. Apart from the swelling, other foot pain symptoms include tenderness around the big toe, pain when walking, and redness. The fastest way to treat bunions is to wear proper-fitting shoes without heels. You can also apply an ice pack to the joint to reduce the swelling and redness.
Type #3: Blisters Pain

Have you noticed a painful swelling under your foot after a hike? Sometimes, the blister looks like a boil and can get infected if you try to drain it. Blisters form on your feet after walking or standing for a long time. The friction from walking or running irritates the skin and causes body fluids to leak into the skin tissues. The skin then swells and forms blisters on your feet.
Compared to other types of foot pain, you can treat a blister at home because the skin heals itself. Keep the swelling dry and avoid draining the liquid. Apply a bandage to relieve the pain.
Type #4: Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a condition that causes burning, tingling, and shooting pain on the foot. The pain happens when there is pressure on the nerves that support blood supply in the ankles. In many cases, factors out of your control cause tarsal tunnel syndrome. Diseases such as arthritis and diabetes increase your risk of developing the foot pain symptoms.
Ankle sprains and accidents add pressure to the nerves and can also cause tarsal tunnel syndrome. You can prevent this condition by building strong ankle muscles and warming up before running or exercising. Nerve pressure is typically treated with anti-inflammatory medication and strong painkillers.
Type #5: Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprain injury happens when you awkwardly twist your ankle and stretch the tissues beyond their limit. A sprained ankle also injures the joints, making it difficult to walk. A prolonged ankle sprain can damage the nerves and cause complications like tarsal tunnel syndrome.
The foot pain symptoms vary depending on the level of tissue damage. Some patients experience pain when they feel pressure on the foot, while others complain of swelling and bruising. Treatment for an ankle sprain includes ice pack therapy, pain relief medication, physiotherapy, and surgery in severe cases.
Type #6: Plantar Fasciitis

People who have Plantar Fasciitis complain of pain and discomfort in their heels. They also experience the foot pain symptoms in the mornings. Factors like running, high calf muscles, and running can increase your risk of having Plantar Fasciitis. Manage the pain with an ice pack, and don't forget to stretch your feet after exercising. Also, rest the heels whenever you feel this type of foot pain.
Type #7: Hammer Toe Pain

Hammertoes affect the smaller toes on your feet, causing the joints to poke out. Sometimes, you want to force your toes into your favourite shoes that are too tight for you. So, you buck the smaller toes to get them to fit. Wearing tight shoes can deform the toes into a claw-like shape. Instead, wear loose-fitting shoes with hammertoe pads to accommodate the swelling.
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