What You Need to Know About the B-Pulse Treatment

Need relief from pelvic floor discomfort? Your pelvic floor musclesensure your bladder, urethra, and intestines are all in place. But with age,hormonal changes, and life events like childbirth, they can weaken and losetheir strength. A strong pelvic floor improves your daily life.
B-Pulse therapy is a HealthCanada-approved non-invasive approach that uses neuromuscular electricalstimulation (NMES) to target and stimulate the pelvic floor muscles, promotingnatural strengthening and rejuvenation. B-Pulse chair helps improve bladdercontrol, alleviate discomfort, and boost core strength.
How Does B-Pulse Work?
The B-Pulse treatment imitates the Kegel exercise, delivering 13,000muscle contractions in 30 minutes. The B-Pulse chair is effective in addressingvarious pelvic conditions, including:
● Urinary leakage
● Endometriosis
● Pelvic myofascial syndrome
● Bladder prolapse
● Lumbar support
● Prostatitis
● Chronic pain (pelvic, lower back, genital)
● Postpartum recovery
B-Pulse uses Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) technology tostimulate pelvic floor muscles, enhancing cellular health through improvedcirculation, oxygenation, and ion balance. This treatment can also help improveyour gluteal muscle and sexual experience, and, as an added benefit, it canalso help to tighten and lift your buttocks!
At Chiro-Med, our team provides personalized treatment plans tailoredto your unique needs and goals, following a comprehensive assessment. Thisensures maximum effectiveness and tailored care.
Note:Consult a healthcare professional before starting B-Pulse therapy, especiallyif you have underlying medical conditions or concerns.
B-Pulse Treatment for Women
As a woman, maintaining good pelvic health is essential for overallwell-being, quality of life, and independence. B-Pulse chair helps strengthenyour pelvic floor muscles, addressing various health concerns and enhancingvitality.
Studies show that 25%-45% of women experience urinary incontinence.Laughing, exercising, or sneezing shouldn’t come with worries of urinaryleakage. If you’re experiencing urinary incontinence, it’s time to focus onbuilding stronger pelvic floor support.
A strong pelvic floor offers many benefits for women, such as:
● Reducing lower pelvic and back pain
● Relieving menopause-related pelvic floorweakness
● Boosting sexual function and sensation
● Preventing constipation
● Supporting pelvic organs
B-Pulse Treatment for Postpartum
Labour can strain pelvic muscles, leading to weakness and unwantedsymptoms like urinary leakage. After childbirth, your body deserves targetedcare to restore strength and well-being. B-Pulse is an ideal solution forpostpartum women seeking to maintain their pelvic health. It is recommended tostart this treatment six weeks after giving birth.
B-Pulse therapy is an ideal solution for postpartum women seeking to:
● Reclaim bladder control
● Enhance sexual intimacy
● Strengthen pelvic floor muscles
● Improve posture and stability
● Promote healthy bowel function
Targeted pelvic floor strengthening can help new mothers recover,regain control, and restore their bodies to normal function to enjoy a smoothertransition into motherhood!
B-Pulse Treatment for Men
B-Pulse therapy plays a major role in maintaining optimal prostatehealth, addressing unique concerns and enhancing overall well-being in men.B-Pulse chair treatment promotes healthy prostate function, reducing the riskof prostatitis and other issues while also assisting with recovery afterprostate cancer treatments.
For men experiencing urinary leakage after radical prostatectomy, theB-Pulse chair offers effective relief, helping them regain continence andconfidence and manage leaks. Additionally, B-Pulse benefits prostate cancersurvivors by addressing incontinence symptoms, enhancing quality of life, andimproving sexual health, boosting intimacy and pleasure.
Strong pelvic muscles developed through B-Pulse intensify sexualsensation and orgasms and increase blood circulation and sensitivity,benefiting both men and women.
B-Pulse Treatment for Firm and Tight Buttocks
A well-toned rear-end is more than just aesthetically pleasing — it’sa key to overall health and wellness.
Your glutes are the largest muscle group in your body. They power hipand thigh movements, reduce back strain, and enhance athletic performance.
A B-Pulse chair can help strengthen your glutes, promoting tightening,lifting, and improved muscle tone. Our 6-session treatment plan for a healthierbehind, enhanced sexual health, and overall wellness boosts your self-esteemand energy!
Why Choose Chiro-Med for B-Pulse Treatment?
Our licensed therapists provide tailored treatment plans addressingyour unique needs. Experience improved pelvic health, sexual wellness,confidence, and overall well-being.
Book your appointment today!
Frequently Asked Questions About B-Pulse Treatment
Is B-Pulse treatment painless?
Yes, B-Pulse treatment is a non-invasive, pain-free therapy. You mayexperience muscle contractions and tingling sensations during the session, butit’s generally well-tolerated.
How does B-Pulse treatment work?
B-Pulse targets pelvic floor muscles, strengthening and toning them.
Can pregnant women have B-Pulse treatment?
No, pregnant women should not undergo B-Pulse treatment due to limitedstudies on the effect of PEMF on developing fetuses. We recommend waiting untilsix weeks postpartum to ensure safe and effective treatment. However, consultyour healthcare provider for personalized advice.
Who is not suitable for B-Pulse treatments?
Individuals who have any of the following medical conditions areineligible for B-Pulse therapy:
● Active cancer
● Copper IUD
● Electronic implants
● Organ transplant recipients
● Abdominal hernia
● Metal implants unsafe for MRI
● Implanted neurostimulators
● Cardiac pacemaker
● Muscle injury in the pelvic area
● Recent surgery (up to 1 year)
A doctor’s note is required if an individual has:
● Epilepsy
● Stroke
● Heart condition
● Remission of cancer
● Pulmonary embolism
● Phlebitis
How long does each session last?
Typically, B-Pulse sessions last 30 minutes. Your therapist will guideyou through the process and adjust the duration, as needed.
How many sessions do I need?
The number of sessions varies depending on your individual needs andconcerns. On average, patients require six sessions 2–3 days apart to firmglute muscles. Maintenance sessions should be done every 6–8 weeks forlong-term results.
Are the results long-lasting?
Yes, B-Pulse treatment results can be long-lasting with:
● Regular maintenance sessions (or asrecommended)
● Pelvic floor exercises and lifestylemodifications
● Ongoing health monitoring and adjustments
Do note that results may vary; consult your therapist for individualrecommendations.
How do I prepare for B-Pulse treatment?
Arrive dressed comfortably, with an empty bladder, and avoid metaljewelry.
For questions, guidance, or more information, call us at any time!
We accept all extended health care insurances, motor vehicle accidents and W.S.I.B.